@misc{kainer_nanostructured_magnesium_2009, author={Kainer, K.U.,Huang, Y.,Peng, Q.,Hort, N.}, title={Nanostructured Magnesium Alloys}, year={2009}, howpublished = {conference paper: Risoe (DK); 07.-11.09.2009}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Kainer, K.; Huang, Y.; Peng, Q.; Hort, N.: Nanostructured Magnesium Alloys. In: Grivel, J.; Hansen, N.; Huang, X.; Juul Jensen, D.; Mishin, O.; Nielsen, S.; Pantleon, W.; Toftegaard, H.; Winther, G.; Yu, T. (Ed.): Nanostructured Metals – Fundamentals to Applications, Proceedings of the 30th Risoe International Symposium on Materials Science. Risoe (DK). 2009. 81-99.}}