@misc{brokmeier_local_phase_2008, author={Brokmeier, H.-G.,Lenser, S.,Ventzke, V.,Rotkirch, A.,Wroblewski, T.}, title={Local Phase Analysis in the Welded Seam of a FW Welded Al7020/Ti6Al4V Rod}, year={2008}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Aachen (D); 22.-26.09.2008}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Brokmeier, H.; Lenser, S.; Ventzke, V.; Rotkirch, A.; Wroblewski, T.: Local Phase Analysis in the Welded Seam of a FW Welded Al7020/Ti6Al4V Rod. 11th International Conference on Aluminium Alloys, ICAA 11. Aachen (D), 2008.}}