@misc{jung_critical_hematocrit_2008, author={Jung, F.,Hiebl, B.,Mrowietz, C.,Ploetze, K.,Matschke, K.}, title={Critical hematocrit and oxygen partial pressure in the beating heart of pigs}, year={2008}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Dubois, PA (USA); 09.-13.07.2008}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Jung, F.; Hiebl, B.; Mrowietz, C.; Ploetze, K.; Matschke, K.: Critical hematocrit and oxygen partial pressure in the beating heart of pigs. 13. Congress of Biorheology, 6. International Conference on Clinical Hemorheology. Dubois, PA (USA), 2008.}}