@misc{kozlov_phase_equilibria_2008, author={Kozlov, A.,Ohno, M.,Abu Leil, T.,Hort, N.,Kainer, K.U.,Schmid-Fetzer, R.}, title={Phase equilibria, thermodynamics and solidification microstructures of Mg–Sn–Ca alloys, Part 2: Prediction of phase formation in Mg-rich Mg–Sn–Ca cast alloys}, year={2008}, howpublished = {journal article}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.intermet.2007.10.011}, abstract = {The basis of this work is a detailed investigation of phase equilibria of the Mg–Sn–Ca system for wide ranges of composition and temperature by means of a combined approach of our own key experiments, first-principles calculations of finite-temperature properties of the compounds and Calphad-type modeling. In this report, the generated thermodynamic description is applied to predict the phase formation and discuss the solidification behavior of practically important Mg-rich alloys. Solidification calculations, based on computational thermochemistry and the present dataset, are successfully applied to the analysis of experimentally observed as-cast microstructures and thermal analysis data for the Mg-rich alloy samples.}, note = {Online available at: \url{https://doi.org/10.1016/j.intermet.2007.10.011} (DOI). Kozlov, A.; Ohno, M.; Abu Leil, T.; Hort, N.; Kainer, K.; Schmid-Fetzer, R.: Phase equilibria, thermodynamics and solidification microstructures of Mg–Sn–Ca alloys, Part 2: Prediction of phase formation in Mg-rich Mg–Sn–Ca cast alloys. Intermetallics. 2008. vol. 16, no. 2, 316-321. DOI: 10.1016/j.intermet.2007.10.011}}