@misc{schroeter_development_of_2008, author={Schroeter, M.,Mendez, J.D.,Berg, O.van den,Capadona, J.R.,Weder, C.,Lendlein, A.}, title={Development of New Polymer Materials with Electrical Conductivity and Stimuli-sensitive Attributes}, year={2008}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Berlin (D); 01.-02.10.2008}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Schroeter, M.; Mendez, J.; Berg, O.; Capadona, J.; Weder, C.; Lendlein, A.: Development of New Polymer Materials with Electrical Conductivity and Stimuli-sensitive Attributes. Polydays 2008. Berlin (D), 2008.}}