@misc{heckel_comparison_of_2007, author={Heckel, T.,Guerrero-Tovar, A.,Christ, H.-J.,Appel, F.}, title={Comparison of Isothermal and Thermomechanical Fatigue Behaviour of a High-temperature Titanium Alloy and a Third Generation TiAl Intermetallic}, year={2007}, howpublished = {conference paper: Kyoto (J); 03.-07.06.2007}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Heckel, T.; Guerrero-Tovar, A.; Christ, H.; Appel, F.: Comparison of Isothermal and Thermomechanical Fatigue Behaviour of a High-temperature Titanium Alloy and a Third Generation TiAl Intermetallic. In: Niinomi, M.; Akiyama, S.; Ikeda, M.; Hagiwara, M.; Maruyama, K. (Ed.): Ti 2007 Science and Technology, Proceedings of the11th World Conference on Titanium. Kyoto (J). Japan Institute of Metals. 2007. 275-278.}}