@misc{rzeszutek_nkcs_and_2007, author={Rzeszutek, A.,Linser, S.,Gofman, Y.,Ben-Tal, N.,Funari, S.,Willumeit, R.}, title={NK-CS and its analogues – Investigation of peptide-membrane interactions}, year={2007}, howpublished = {conference poster: Grenoble (F); 07.-13.10.2007}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Rzeszutek, A.; Linser, S.; Gofman, Y.; Ben-Tal, N.; Funari, S.; Willumeit, R.: NK-CS and its analogues – Investigation of peptide-membrane interactions. In: Advances and new applications of synchrotron radiation for structural biology, Hercules Specialized Course. Grenoble (F). 2007.}}