@misc{fischer_in_vitro_2008, author={Fischer, J.,Witte, F.,Nort, N.,Kainer, K.U.,Willumeit, R.,Feyerabend, F.}, title={In vitro corrosion of a magnesium metal matrix composite – Dependence of corrosion medium and pH}, year={2008}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Nuernberg (D); 01.-04.09.2008}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Fischer, J.; Witte, F.; Nort, N.; Kainer, K.; Willumeit, R.; Feyerabend, F.: In vitro corrosion of a magnesium metal matrix composite – Dependence of corrosion medium and pH. Materials Science and Engineering, MSE 2008. Nuernberg (D), 2008.}}