@misc{buffet_advances_in_2005, author={Buffet, J.C.,Clergeau, J.F.,Cooper, R.G.,Darpentigny, J.,De Laulany, A.,Fermon, C.,Fetal, S.,Fraga, F.,Guerard, B.,Kampmann, R.,Kastenmueller, A.,Mc Intyre, G.J.,Manzin, G.,Meilleur, F.,Millier, F.,Rhodes, N.,Rosta, L.,Schooneveld, E.,Smith, G.C.,Takahashi, H.,Esch, P.van,Vuure, T.L.van,Zeitelhack, K.}, title={Advances in detectors for single crystal neutron diffraction}, year={2005}, howpublished = {journal article}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2005.08.018}, abstract = {Parallax error severely limits the use of gas detectors for neutron and X-ray single-crystal diffractometry. This is particularly the case in Neutron Macromolecule Crystallography (NMC), where a large solid angle is needed. High-resolution cylindrical detectors based on Neutron Image Plates provide a large angular coverage but they are gamma sensitive and do not allow time-resolved measurements. We describe the principle of a gas counter, the multi-blade Microstrip Gas Chamber (MSGC), which has the potential to design parallax-free cylindrical detectors. It contains radial MSGC plates, providing a partitioning of the gas volume and a segmentation of the signal readout. The axial coordinate is measured by reading out the charge signal on the anodes and the trans-axial coordinate is deduced from the electron drift distance measured optically using the time difference between the primary and the avalanche light. Expected characteristics are a sub-millimeter position resolution, a sub-microsecond time resolution, and a global counting rate greater than 10 s-1.}, note = {Online available at: \url{https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2005.08.018} (DOI). Buffet, J.; Clergeau, J.; Cooper, R.; Darpentigny, J.; De Laulany, A.; Fermon, C.; Fetal, S.; Fraga, F.; Guerard, B.; Kampmann, R.; Kastenmueller, A.; Mc Intyre, G.; Manzin, G.; Meilleur, F.; Millier, F.; Rhodes, N.; Rosta, L.; Schooneveld, E.; Smith, G.; Takahashi, H.; Esch, P.; Vuure, T.; Zeitelhack, K.: Advances in detectors for single crystal neutron diffraction. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A. 2005. vol. 554, no. 1-3, 392-405. DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2005.08.018}}