@misc{loebl_limitation_of_2007, author={Loebl, M.,Colijn, F.,Beusekom, J.van,Baretta-Bekker, J.G.,Lancelot, C.,Philippart, C.J.M.,Wiltshire, K.H.}, title={Limitation of phytoplankton growth - Differences and Similarities along the North European continental coast}, year={2007}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Rovinj (HR); 08.-12.10.2007}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Loebl, M.; Colijn, F.; Beusekom, J.; Baretta-Bekker, J.; Lancelot, C.; Philippart, C.; Wiltshire, K.: Limitation of phytoplankton growth - Differences and Similarities along the North European continental coast. Comparative Analyses of Phytoplankton Dynamics on Regional to Global Scales, Chapman Conference on Long Time-Series Observations in Coastal Ecosystems. Rovinj (HR), 2007.}}