@misc{wehde_ferrybox_observations_2005, author={Wehde, H.,Schroeder, F.,Colijn, F.,callies, U.,Reinke, S.,Petersen, W.,Schrum, C.,Pluess, A.,Mills, D.}, title={FerryBox observations in the Southern North Sea – Application of numerical models for improving the significance of the FerryBox data}, year={2005}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Brest (F); 06.-09.06.2005}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Wehde, H.; Schroeder, F.; Colijn, F.; callies, U.; Reinke, S.; Petersen, W.; Schrum, C.; Pluess, A.; Mills, D.: FerryBox observations in the Southern North Sea – Application of numerical models for improving the significance of the FerryBox data. 4th International Conference on EuroGOOS. Brest (F), 2005.}}