@misc{hartig_plastic_anisotropy_2005, author={Hartig, C.,Styczynski, A.,Kaiser, F.,Letzig, D.}, title={Plastic anisotropy and texture evolution of reolled AZ31 magnesium alloys}, year={2005}, howpublished = {journal article}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.495-497.1615}, abstract = {The plastic anisotropy was measured for a commercial AZ31 magnesium sheet and compared with results from a model calculation using a self consistent viscoplastic model. The,anisotropy of plastic flow stresses can be explained by the off-basal character of the texture and the,activation of the prismatic slip in addition to the basal, pyramidal slip and the,> < 1 1 01 } 2 1 01 { twinning system. The strain anisotropy r ( r = ew/et ; ew, et – strains in width and,thickness directions of a sheet material ), as obtained from model calculations, fits qualitatively with,in-situ measured values. Results from these model calculations are compared with texture,simulations and discussed in further consideration of the microstructure of the sheet material.}, note = {Online available at: \url{https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.495-497.1615} (DOI). Hartig, C.; Styczynski, A.; Kaiser, F.; Letzig, D.: Plastic anisotropy and texture evolution of reolled AZ31 magnesium alloys. Materials Science Forum, Textures of Materials - ICOTOM 14. 2005. vol. 495-497, 1615-1620. DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.495-497.1615}}