@misc{klassen_nanocrystalline_light_2006, author={Klassen, T.}, title={Nanocrystalline Light Metal Hydrides For Hydrogen Storage}, year={2006}, howpublished = {book part}, abstract = {Considering the increasing pollution and indiscriminate exploitation of fossil energy resources, new energy concepts are essential for the future of industrial society. Renewable sources have to replace fossil fuels that produce carbon dioxide upon combustion, which as a greenhouse gas is largely responsible for global warming. Hydrogen is the ideal means of energy storage for transportation and conversion of energy in a comprehensive clean-energy concept. Hydrogen can be produced from water using electricity, ideally produced from regenerative sources, such as wind, solar or water. Upon reconversion into energy, only water vapor is produced, leading to a closed energy cycle without harmful emissions.}, note = {Klassen, T.: Nanocrystalline Light Metal Hydrides For Hydrogen Storage. In: Hannink, R.; Hill, A. (Ed.): Nanostructure control of materials. Abington, GB: Woodhead Publishing. 2006. 266-302.}}