@misc{cifelli_tehe_role_2006, author={Cifelli, F.,Mattei, M.,Chadima, M.,Hirt, A.M.,Lenser, S.}, title={Tehe role of paramagnetic minerals in clay sediments magnetic anisotropy: Correlation between magnetic fabric and chlorite prefered orientation}, year={2006}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Castle of Valtice (CZ); 03.-08.09.2006}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Cifelli, F.; Mattei, M.; Chadima, M.; Hirt, A.; Lenser, S.: Tehe role of paramagnetic minerals in clay sediments magnetic anisotropy: Correlation between magnetic fabric and chlorite prefered orientation. 10th Castle Meeting. Castle of Valtice (CZ), 2006.}}