@misc{jahnke_airborne_polyfluorinated_2006, author={Jahnke, A.,Berger, U.,Ebinghaus, R.,Temme, C.}, title={Airborne polyfluorinated alkyl substances in the marine atmosphere - comparison of concentrations between Northern Germany and remote regions}, year={2006}, howpublished = {conference poster: Lancaster (GB); 24.-26.10.2006}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Jahnke, A.; Berger, U.; Ebinghaus, R.; Temme, C.: Airborne polyfluorinated alkyl substances in the marine atmosphere - comparison of concentrations between Northern Germany and remote regions. In: Sources, Fate, Behaviour and Effects of Organic Chemicals at the Regional and Global Scale. Lancaster (GB). 2006.}}