@misc{bahlmann_the_effect_2004, author={Bahlmann, E.,Ebinghaus, R.,Ruck, W.}, title={The effect of soil moisture on the emission of mercury from soils}, year={2004}, howpublished = {journal article}, abstract = {We have investigated the effect of soil moisture on mercury emission fluxes (MEFs) from soils under controlled conditions with a laboratory flux chamber system. Over wet soils MEFs first increase by a factor of five to ten with decreasing soil moisture, peak between 33% and 10% and than decrease to less than 2% of the maximum observed flux at soil moisture levels below 1%. Our results strongly indicate that the MEFs are more likely to be controlled by the soil moisture tension rather than by the soil moisture level.}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Bahlmann, E.; Ebinghaus, R.; Ruck, W.: The effect of soil moisture on the emission of mercury from soils. RMZ - Materials and Geoenvironment : Periodical for Mining, Metallurgy and Geology. 2004. vol. 51, no. 2, 791-794.}}