@misc{jones_transient_simulations_2005, author={Jones, J.M.,Luecke, A.,Schaebitz, F.,Schwalb, A.,Wagner, S.,Widmann, M.,Zolitschka, B.}, title={Transient simulations of the Mid-Holocene with a coupled GCM and comparison with climate proxy data}, year={2005}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Exeter (GB); 12.-16.09.2005}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Jones, J.; Luecke, A.; Schaebitz, F.; Schwalb, A.; Wagner, S.; Widmann, M.; Zolitschka, B.: Transient simulations of the Mid-Holocene with a coupled GCM and comparison with climate proxy data. Royal Meteorological Society Conference 2005. Exeter (GB), 2005.}}