@misc{oehring_texture_development_2005, author={Oehring, M.,Appel, F.,Brokmeier, H.-G.,Lorenz, U.}, title={Texture development during hot extrusion of a gamma titanium aluminide alloy}, year={2005}, howpublished = {conference paper: Boston, MA (USA); 29.11.-01.12.2004}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Oehring, M.; Appel, F.; Brokmeier, H.; Lorenz, U.: Texture development during hot extrusion of a gamma titanium aluminide alloy. In: Mills, M.; Inui, H.; Clemens, H.; Fu, C. (Ed.): Integrative and Interdisciplinary Aspets of Intermetallics, Symposium Proceedings, Materials Research Society Fall Meeting 2004. Boston, MA (USA). Warrendale: Materials Research Society. 2005. 223-228.}}