@misc{roettgers_practical_test_2005, author={Roettgers, R.,Schoenfeld, W.,Kipp, P.,Doerffer, R.}, title={Practical test of a point-source integrating-cavity absorption meter (PSICAM): the performance of different collector assemblies}, year={2005}, howpublished = {journal article}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1364/AO.44.005549}, abstract = {A prototype point-source integrating-cavity absorption meter is presented and compared to spectrophotometric absorption,measurements. Different light collector assemblies of the PSICAM,were tested regarding their capability to determine the absorption of,water constituents accurately over a wide range of concentrations and,scattering properties. The PSICAM setup with a radiance-type sensor showed the best performance. It was,compared with a photometric absorption determination using,non-scattering dye solutions. The mean difference between both methods was less than 2.4 \% in the spectral range of 400 to 700 nm.,The absorption determination with the PSICAM, when equipped with a radiance sensor as a light collector, was only little affected by scattering and temperature.,We conclude that the PSICAM can be used operational for determining,the absorption of natural sea water samples at ambient temperatures.}, note = {Online available at: \url{https://doi.org/10.1364/AO.44.005549} (DOI). Roettgers, R.; Schoenfeld, W.; Kipp, P.; Doerffer, R.: Practical test of a point-source integrating-cavity absorption meter (PSICAM): the performance of different collector assemblies. Applied Optics. 2005. vol. 44, no. 26, 5549-5560. DOI: 10.1364/AO.44.005549}}