@misc{seeger_comparison_of_2005, author={Seeger, D.,Blawert, C.,Dietzel, W.,Stoermer, M.,Maendl, S.,Bohne, Y.}, title={Comparison of corrosion properties of as cast and plasma deposited commercial magnesium alloys}, year={2005}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Bruenn (CZ); 18.-20.05.2005}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Seeger, D.; Blawert, C.; Dietzel, W.; Stoermer, M.; Maendl, S.; Bohne, Y.: Comparison of corrosion properties of as cast and plasma deposited commercial magnesium alloys. Seminar IPM. Bruenn (CZ), 2005.}}