@misc{willumeit_influence_of_2005, author={Willumeit, R.,Linser, S.,Kumpugdee, M.,Svergun, D.,Tew, G.}, title={Influence of an antibacterial polymer on the phase behaviour of phospholipids}, year={2005}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Berlin (D); 13.-16.04.2005}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Willumeit, R.; Linser, S.; Kumpugdee, M.; Svergun, D.; Tew, G.: Influence of an antibacterial polymer on the phase behaviour of phospholipids. Biophysics of Membrane-Permeabilising and Membrane-Translocating Peptides, Workshop. Berlin (D), 2005.}}