@misc{aksenov_microstructure_of_2002, author={Aksenov, V.L.,Avdeev, M.V.,Balasoiu, M.,Rosta, L.,Toeroek, G.,Vekas, L.,Bica, D.,Haramus, V.M.,Kohlbrecher, J.}, title={Microstructure of ferrofluids by small-angle neutron scattering}, year={2002}, howpublished = {conference paper: Bonn (D); 16.-17.05.2002}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Aksenov, V.; Avdeev, M.; Balasoiu, M.; Rosta, L.; Toeroek, G.; Vekas, L.; Bica, D.; Haramus, V.; Kohlbrecher, J.: Microstructure of ferrofluids by small-angle neutron scattering. In: ESS European Conference. Bonn (D). 2002. 4.}}