@misc{bystrzanowski_creep_behavior_2004, author={Bystrzanowski, S.,Bartels, A.,Clemens, H.,Gerling, R.,Schimansky, F.P.,Dehm, G.}, title={Creep behavior and microstructural stability of Ti-46Al-9Nb material with different microstruktures}, year={2004}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Boston, MA (USA); 29.11.-03.12.2004}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Bystrzanowski, S.; Bartels, A.; Clemens, H.; Gerling, R.; Schimansky, F.; Dehm, G.: Creep behavior and microstructural stability of Ti-46Al-9Nb material with different microstruktures. MRS Fall Meeting 2004. Boston, MA (USA), 2004.}}