@misc{leitner_coarsening_of_2004, author={Leitner, H.,Staron, P.,Bischof, M.,Clemens, H.,Kozeschnik, E.,Svoboda, J.,Fischer, F.D.}, title={Coarsening of secondary hardening carbides in a hot-work tool steel: experiments and simulation}, year={2004}, howpublished = {conference paper: New Orleans, LA (USA); 26.-29.09.2004}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Leitner, H.; Staron, P.; Bischof, M.; Clemens, H.; Kozeschnik, E.; Svoboda, J.; Fischer, F.: Coarsening of secondary hardening carbides in a hot-work tool steel: experiments and simulation. In: Materials Science & Technology, MS&T 2004. New Orleans, LA (USA). 2004. 623-632.}}