@misc{thompson_impact_of_2004, author={Thompson, D.,Monaldo, F.,Horstmann, J.,Koch, W.,Elfouhaily, T.}, title={Impact of EnviSat Alternating-Polarization Mode Imagery on Rough-Surface Scattering Models and the Generation of High-Resolution Wind Maps}, year={2004}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Salzburg (A); 06.-10.09.2004}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Thompson, D.; Monaldo, F.; Horstmann, J.; Koch, W.; Elfouhaily, T.: Impact of EnviSat Alternating-Polarization Mode Imagery on Rough-Surface Scattering Models and the Generation of High-Resolution Wind Maps. ENVISAT Symposium 2004. Salzburg (A), 2004.}}