@misc{avdeev_structural_features_2004, author={Avdeev, M.V.,Khokhryakov, A.A.,Tropin, T,V.,Andrievsky, G.V.,Klochkov, V.K.,Derevyanchenko, L.I.,Rosta, L.,Haramus, V.M.,Priezzhev, V.B.,Korobov, M.V.,Aksenov, V.L.}, title={Structural features of molecular-colloidal solutions of C60 fullerenes in water by small-angle neutron scattering}, year={2004}, howpublished = {journal article}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Avdeev, M.; Khokhryakov, A.; Tropin, T.; Andrievsky, G.; Klochkov, V.; Derevyanchenko, L.; Rosta, L.; Haramus, V.; Priezzhev, V.; Korobov, M.; Aksenov, V.: Structural features of molecular-colloidal solutions of C60 fullerenes in water by small-angle neutron scattering. Langmuir. 2004. vol. 20, no. 11, 4363-4368.}}