@misc{lohmann_potential_contamination_2004, author={Lohmann, R.,Jaward, F.M.,Durham, L.,Barber, J.L.,Ockenden, W.,Jones, K.C.,Bruhn, R.,Lakaschus, S.,Dachs, J.,Booij, K.}, title={Potential contamination of shipboard air samples by diffusive emissions of PCBs and other organic pollutants: Implications and solutions}, year={2004}, howpublished = {journal article}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Lohmann, R.; Jaward, F.; Durham, L.; Barber, J.; Ockenden, W.; Jones, K.; Bruhn, R.; Lakaschus, S.; Dachs, J.; Booij, K.: Potential contamination of shipboard air samples by diffusive emissions of PCBs and other organic pollutants: Implications and solutions. Environmental Science and Technology. 2004. vol. 38, no. 14, 3965-3970.}}