@misc{storch_impact_of_2003, author={Storch, H.v.,Feser, F.,Pfizenmayer, A.,Rockel, B.,Weisse, R.,Woth, K.}, title={Impact of possible future climate on coastal winds, storm surges and wave conditions in the North Sea}, year={2003}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Sapporo (J); 30.06.-11.07.2003}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Storch, H.; Feser, F.; Pfizenmayer, A.; Rockel, B.; Weisse, R.; Woth, K.: Impact of possible future climate on coastal winds, storm surges and wave conditions in the North Sea. International Union of Geophysics and Geodesy, IUGG 2003, MC08. Sapporo (J), 2003.}}