@misc{riethmueller_the_erodibility_2003, author={Riethmueller, R.,Mahatma, L.,Bernem, K.-H.,Heymann, K.}, title={The erodibility of sediment with different benthic macrofauna communities on a tidal flat: Spatial and temporal variation}, year={2003}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Gloucester Point, VA (USA); 01.-04.10.2003}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Riethmueller, R.; Mahatma, L.; Bernem, K.; Heymann, K.: The erodibility of sediment with different benthic macrofauna communities on a tidal flat: Spatial and temporal variation. Intercoh 2003. Gloucester Point, VA (USA), 2003.}}