@misc{schiller_geometrically_structured_2004, author={Schiller, C.,Rasche, C.,Wehmoeller, M.,Beckmann, F.,Eufinger, H.,Epple, M.,Weihe, S.}, title={Geometrically structured implants for cranial reconstruction made of biodegradable polyesters and calcium phosphate/calcium carbonate}, year={2004}, howpublished = {journal article}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Schiller, C.; Rasche, C.; Wehmoeller, M.; Beckmann, F.; Eufinger, H.; Epple, M.; Weihe, S.: Geometrically structured implants for cranial reconstruction made of biodegradable polyesters and calcium phosphate/calcium carbonate. Biomaterials. 2004. vol. 25, no. 7-8, 1239-1247.}}