@misc{stoermer_study_of_1999, author={Stoermer, M.,Sturm, K.,Faehler, S.,Weisheit, M.,Winkler, J.,Kahl, S. and ,Kesten, P.,Pundt, A.,Seibt, M. and ,Senz, S.,Krebs, H.-U.}, title={Study of laser deposited metallic thin films by a combination of high-resolution ex-situ and time-resolved in-situ experiments}, year={1999}, howpublished = {journal article}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Stoermer, M.; Sturm, K.; Faehler, S.; Weisheit, M.; Winkler, J.; Kahl, S.; Kesten, P.; Pundt, A.; Seibt, M.; Senz, S.; Krebs, H.: Study of laser deposited metallic thin films by a combination of high-resolution ex-situ and time-resolved in-situ experiments. Applied Physics A. 1999. vol. 69, 455-457.}}