@misc{haramus_the_structure_1999, author={Haramus, V. M.,Willumeit, R.,Kuklin, A. I.,Merta, J.,Stenius, P.}, title={The Structure of Micelles of Mixed Anionic Surfactants and Their Complexes with Cationic Starch Studied by SANS}, year={1999}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Berlin (D); 25.-27.05.1999}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Haramus, V.; Willumeit, R.; Kuklin, A.; Merta, J.; Stenius, P.: The Structure of Micelles of Mixed Anionic Surfactants and Their Complexes with Cationic Starch Studied by SANS. Deutsche Neutronenstreutagung 1999. Berlin (D), 1999.}}