@misc{bohn_mechanical_properties_1999, author={Bohn, R.,Fanta, G.,Guenther, R.,Dickau, B.,Klassen, T.,Gaertner, F.,Maier, H.R.,Bormann, R.}, title={Mechanical Properties of Intermetallic/Ceramic Composites Prepared by High Energy Milling}, year={1999}, howpublished = {conference paper,conference lecture: Wollongong / Sydney (AUS); 07.-12.12.1998}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Bohn, R.; Fanta, G.; Guenther, R.; Dickau, B.; Klassen, T.; Gaertner, F.; Maier, H.; Bormann, R.: Mechanical Properties of Intermetallic/Ceramic Composites Prepared by High Energy Milling. In: Calka, A.; Wexler, D. (Ed.): Metastable, Mechanically Alloyed and Nanocrystalline Materials, ISMANAM 98. Wollongong / Sydney (AUS). 1999. 575-580.}}