@misc{wallschlaeger_how_humic_1996, author={Wallschlaeger, D.,Desai, M. V. M.,Spengler, M.,Windmoeller, C.,Wilken, R.-D.}, title={How humic substances dominate mercury geochemistry in contaminated floodplains and sediments}, year={1996}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Breslau (PL); 09.-14.09.1996}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Wallschlaeger, D.; Desai, M.; Spengler, M.; Windmoeller, C.; Wilken, R.: How humic substances dominate mercury geochemistry in contaminated floodplains and sediments. 8th Meeting of the IHSS: The Role of Humic Substances in the Ecosystem and in Environmental Protection. Breslau (PL), 1996.}}