@misc{klassen_processing_and_1997, author={Klassen, T., Guenther, R., Dickau, B., Bartels, A., Bormann, R., Mecking, H.}, title={Processing and Characterization of Novel Intermetallic/Ceramic Composites}, year={1997}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Sitges / Barcelona (E);}, note = {Klassen, T.; Guenther, R.; Dickau, B.; Bartels, A.; Bormann, R.; Mecking, H.: Processing and Characterization of Novel Intermetallic/Ceramic Composites. International Symposium on Metastable, Mechanically Alloyed and Nanocrystalline Materials, ISMANAM-97. Sitges / Barcelona (E), 1997.}}