@misc{beckmann_determination_of_2002, author={Beckmann, J.,Forthmann, S.,Diedrich, G.,Burkhard, N.,Stuhrmann, H.,Nierhaus, K.,Willumeit, R.}, title={Determination of protein position within the E. coli ribosome by means of polarized SANS}, year={2002}, howpublished = {conference poster: Bonn (D); 15.-17.05.2002}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Beckmann, J.; Forthmann, S.; Diedrich, G.; Burkhard, N.; Stuhrmann, H.; Nierhaus, K.; Willumeit, R.: Determination of protein position within the E. coli ribosome by means of polarized SANS. In: Deutsche Neutronenstreutagung. Bonn (D). 2002.}}