@misc{brinkmann_cfdsimulation_of_2002, author={Brinkmann, T.,Staudacher, M.,Hilgendorff, W.}, title={CFD-Simulation of Membrane Modules in Gas an Vapor Permeation: Comparison of the Influence of different Geometries on Mass Transfer through Membranes}, year={2002}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Toulouse (F); 07.-12.07.2002}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Brinkmann, T.; Staudacher, M.; Hilgendorff, W.: CFD-Simulation of Membrane Modules in Gas an Vapor Permeation: Comparison of the Influence of different Geometries on Mass Transfer through Membranes. ICOM Toulouse 2002. Toulouse (F), 2002.}}