@misc{koschorreck_an_in_2001, author={Koschorreck, M.,Herzsprung, P.,Wendt-Potthoff, K.,Lorke, A.,Geller, W.,Luther, G.,Elsner, W.,Mueller, M.}, title={An in lake reactor to treat an acidic mining lake: The effect of substrate overdosage}, year={2001}, howpublished = {conference poster: Leipzig (D); 21.-23.03.2001}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Koschorreck, M.; Herzsprung, P.; Wendt-Potthoff, K.; Lorke, A.; Geller, W.; Luther, G.; Elsner, W.; Mueller, M.: An in lake reactor to treat an acidic mining lake: The effect of substrate overdosage. In: International Symposium on Biotechnological Remediation of Water Pollution by Acid Inorganic and Chlorinated Compounds. Leipzig (D). 2001.}}