@misc{schroeter_copolymerisation_and_2001, author={Schroeter, M.,Liebling, D.,Malsch, G.,Koenig, W.}, title={Copolymerisation and Polymeranalogeous Reactions with Modified Cyclodextrins for new Composite Membranes}, year={2001}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Arcachon (F); 11.-14.09.2001}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Schroeter, M.; Liebling, D.; Malsch, G.; Koenig, W.: Copolymerisation and Polymeranalogeous Reactions with Modified Cyclodextrins for new Composite Membranes. 7th International Conference on Interfacial Phenomena in Composite Materials (IPCM 2001). Arcachon (F), 2001.}}