@misc{pohlmann_combined_analysis_1999, author={Pohlmann, T.,Raabe, T.,Doerffer, R.,Beddig, S.,Brockmann, U.,Dick, S.,Engel, M.,Hesse, K.-J.,Koenig, P.,Mayer, B.,Moll, A.,Murphy, D.,Puls, W.,Rick, H.-J.,Schmidt-Nia, R.,Schoenfeld, W.,Suendermann, J.}, title={Combined analysis of field and model data: A case study of the phosphate dynamics in the German bight in summer 1994}, year={1999}, howpublished = {journal article}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Pohlmann, T.; Raabe, T.; Doerffer, R.; Beddig, S.; Brockmann, U.; Dick, S.; Engel, M.; Hesse, K.; Koenig, P.; Mayer, B.; Moll, A.; Murphy, D.; Puls, W.; Rick, H.; Schmidt-Nia, R.; Schoenfeld, W.; Suendermann, J.: Combined analysis of field and model data: A case study of the phosphate dynamics in the German bight in summer 1994. Deutsche Hydrographische Zeitschrift / German Journal of Hydrography. 1999. vol. 51, no. 2/3, 331-353.}}