@misc{doernbrack_papers_on_2001, author={Doernbrack, A.,Leutbecher, M.,Reichardt, J.,Behrendt, A.,Mueller, K.-P.,Baumgarten, G.}, title={Papers on Aerosols and Clouds - Relevance of mountain wave cooling for the formation of polar stratospheric clouds over Scandinavia: Mesoscale dynamics and observations for January 1997}, year={2001}, howpublished = {journal article}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Doernbrack, A.; Leutbecher, M.; Reichardt, J.; Behrendt, A.; Mueller, K.; Baumgarten, G.: Papers on Aerosols and Clouds - Relevance of mountain wave cooling for the formation of polar stratospheric clouds over Scandinavia: Mesoscale dynamics and observations for January 1997. Journal of Geophysical Research. 2001. vol. 106, no. D 2, 1569-1582.}}