@misc{tishchenko_influence_of_1999, author={Tishchenko, G.,Schauer, J.,Chytry, V.,Blaha, M.,Luetzow, K.,Albrecht, W.}, title={Influence of operation conditions on purification of polymeric nanoparticles by diafiltration through polusulfone/hydrophilic polymer asymmetric membranes}, year={1999}, howpublished = {conference poster: Vesprem (H); 23.-27.08.1999}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Tishchenko, G.; Schauer, J.; Chytry, V.; Blaha, M.; Luetzow, K.; Albrecht, W.: Influence of operation conditions on purification of polymeric nanoparticles by diafiltration through polusulfone/hydrophilic polymer asymmetric membranes. In: XVI Annual summer membrane school. Vesprem (H). 1999. E-9.}}