@misc{keuter_strain_tensor_1992, author={Keuter, J. M.,Schroeder, J.,Dahms, M.,Priesmeyer, H. G.,Kudryashev, V. A.}, title={Strain tensor determination in a T-Butt weldment: comparison of neutron and X-ray diffraction}, year={1992}, howpublished = {book part}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Keuter, J.; Schroeder, J.; Dahms, M.; Priesmeyer, H.; Kudryashev, V.: Strain tensor determination in a T-Butt weldment: comparison of neutron and X-ray diffraction. In: Fujiwara, H.; Abe, T.; Tanaka, K. (Ed.): Residual Stresses - III - Science and technology - Vol.1. London: Elsevier. 1992. 945-950.}}