@misc{goers_tropospheric_ozone_1992, author={Goers, U.-B.,Glauer, J.,Lahmann, W.,Weitkamp, C.,Michaelis, W.}, title={Tropospheric ozone measurements with the mobile differential absorption lidar ARGOS}, year={1992}, howpublished = {report part}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Goers, U.; Glauer, J.; Lahmann, W.; Weitkamp, C.; Michaelis, W.: Tropospheric ozone measurements with the mobile differential absorption lidar ARGOS. In: International Scientific Secretariat (Ed.): EUROTRAC Annual Report 1991; Part 7: Instrument Development, Sec. II: TESLAS. 1992. 17-23.}}