@misc{wu_microstructure_and_1989, author={Wu, J. S.,Beaven, P. A.,Wagner, R.,Hartig, C.,Seeger, J.}, title={Microstructure and mechanical properties of dual phase alloys consisting of the intermetallic phases Ti3 (Al, Si) and Ti5 (Si, Al)3}, year={1989}, howpublished = {conference paper,conference lecture: Bosten, MA (USA); 29.11.-01.12.1998}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Wu, J.; Beaven, P.; Wagner, R.; Hartig, C.; Seeger, J.: Microstructure and mechanical properties of dual phase alloys consisting of the intermetallic phases Ti3 (Al, Si) and Ti5 (Si, Al)3. In: Liu, C.; Taub, A.; Koch, C.; Stoloff, N. (Ed.): High Temperature Ordered Intermetallic Alloys III. Bosten, MA (USA). 1989. 761-766.}}