@misc{wozniak_relationship_between_1994, author={Wozniak, B.,Smekot-Wensierski, W. v.,Doerffer, R.,Grassl, H.}, title={Relationship between spectral reflected irradiance at the sea surface and optical properties of marine phytoplankton}, year={1994}, howpublished = {conference paper,conference lecture: Bergen (N); June 13-15, 1994}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Wozniak, B.; Smekot-Wensierski, W.; Doerffer, R.; Grassl, H.: Relationship between spectral reflected irradiance at the sea surface and optical properties of marine phytoplankton. In: International Conference on Ocean Optics XII. Bergen (N). 1994. 976-993.}}