@misc{weidisch_phase_behaviour_1998, author={Weidisch, R.,Schubert, D. W.,Stamm, M.,Michler, G. H.,Arnold, M.,Hofmann, S.,Fischer, H.,Jerome, R.}, title={Phase behaviour and mechanical properties of poly(styrene-b-butylmethacrylate) diblock copolymers}, year={1998}, howpublished = {conference paper,conference lecture: Freiburg (D); 02.-04.03.1998}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Weidisch, R.; Schubert, D.; Stamm, M.; Michler, G.; Arnold, M.; Hofmann, S.; Fischer, H.; Jerome, R.: Phase behaviour and mechanical properties of poly(styrene-b-butylmethacrylate) diblock copolymers. In: Regio Surface II; Program and Abstracts. Freiburg (D). 1998. 17.}}