@misc{wagner_microstructure_and_1991, author={Wagner, R.,Es-Souni, M.,Chen, D.,Dogan, B.,Seeger, J.,Beaven, P. A.}, title={Microstructure and properties of eutectic composites based on (Ti,Nb)3(Al,Si) and (Ti,Nb)5(Si,Al)3}, year={1991}, howpublished = {conference paper,conference lecture: Boston, MA (USA); November 27-30, 1990}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Wagner, R.; Es-Souni, M.; Chen, D.; Dogan, B.; Seeger, J.; Beaven, P.: Microstructure and properties of eutectic composites based on (Ti,Nb)3(Al,Si) and (Ti,Nb)5(Si,Al)3. In: Johnson, L.; Pope, D.; Stiegler, J. (Ed.): MRS 1990 Fall Meeting: High temperature intermetallic alloys IV. Boston, MA (USA). 1991. 1007-1012.}}