@misc{smarsly_microstructure_and_1991, author={Smarsly, W. G.,Dahms, M.}, title={Microstructure and mechanical properties of reactive hot isostatic pressed TiAl powder materials}, year={1991}, howpublished = {conference paper,conference lecture,GKSS report: Sendai (J); June 17-20, 1991}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Smarsly, W.; Dahms, M.: Microstructure and mechanical properties of reactive hot isostatic pressed TiAl powder materials. In: Izumi, O. (Ed.): Proceedings of International Symposium on Intermetallic Compounds: structure and amechanical properties; JIMIS-6. Sendai (J). 1991. 947-952.}}