@misc{schroeder_residual_strain_1993, author={Schroeder, J.,Root, J. H.,Holden, T. M.,Kocak, M.,Achar, D. R. G.}, title={Residual strain in as-welded and artificial strain-aged weldments}, year={1993}, howpublished = {conference paper,conference lecture: Oberursel (D); 1993}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Schroeder, J.; Root, J.; Holden, T.; Kocak, M.; Achar, D.: Residual strain in as-welded and artificial strain-aged weldments. In: Hauk, V. (Ed.): Residual Stress: the Proceedings 3rd European Conference on Residual Stress. Oberursel (D). 1993. 557-564.}}